Modalities & Techniques

This is how we get you there, below are the techniques and modalities DC Recovery combines to provide you effective bodywork.


Trigger Point Therapy

Release constricted areas in the muscle allowing for increased circulation, range of motion and decreased pain.

Percussion Therapy

Using a vibration device to increase circulation and break apart superficial myofascial adhesions.


Using a tool to break apart myafascial scar tissues to increase circulation and decrease pain.



Decompression of muscle by lifitng the skin and fascia. Very effective for boosting lypmh circulation and nerve compression (ex: sciatica, carpel tunnel, or thoracic outlet syndrome)

KT Tape

Great augment for every modality ranges from increase neural sensation to under active muscles or assist inflecion of the muscle to alleviate over use of the muscle. It can also be very good for edema.

Hot Stone Therapy

Has a sedatve effect that can relieve chronic pain, reduce stress and promote deep relaxation.